4 Simple Strategies For Nailing Your Necklace Stack - Bluecave Jewelry

4 Simple Strategies For Nailing Your Necklace Stack

A necklace stack will plus your outfit by instantly showcasing your unique style. Layering selections of your necklace collection allows you to show-off both your personality and creativity. By wearing multiple pieces, a more complete range of your tastes are displayed. Have fun with it and try out my tips below!

Here are my tips for the ultimate layered necklace look:  

  1. Anchor the mess. Anchor the layers with a string or two of gemstone or pearl beads. They can sit below a dainty charm necklace or above a meatier drop pendant. Big pendant at the bottom: smaller above.
  2. Variety in shape. Create interest by varying the size and shape of charms and strands that are hanging within your layered necklace look. 
  3. It shouldn’t be perfect.  Your layers should have the feeling of a collection acquired over time. Stagger the lengths with this in mind.  Whether there are 3, 4, 5 or more, layer until you get it right. 
  4. Experiment. Try a variety of your necklaces together at different lengths in different numbers and when you like the combination take a picture as a reminder for later.  Try different things: different lengths, pendants, charms, double charms, metals etc.



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